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How to Create your
Perfect Calendar

How to Create your Perfect Calendar

Learn how to add text, colour and bespoke events to your calendar and make it extra special! No-one wants a boring calendar, and with so many customisation features, you have no excuse not to make your calendar the best it can be. Read the guide below to see an explanation of the features available, and how to get started.

Get Started

Click ‘Get Creating’ to start the process.


Start your calendar from any month

Start using your calendar straight away with our bespoke start month selector. Just select your start month and year.

Upload your Images

1.Upload your images by dragging them into the box (1), or go to My Albums (2) to see previously used images. Hover over the menu button (3) and click on sign to be able to save your project as you go along.


2. Once you have selected your images, click the “Add photos to Project” button in the bottom right-hand corner.

Quick Fill

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to fill your calendar, select “Auto fill”. The program will fill it with every image you’ve selected in the order you upload them, in a variety of layouts.


Deciding the photo layout for each page

You can choose a specific layout for your calendar pages in 4 easy steps.

1. Select Layout tab

2. Drag your chosen layout to the top calendar area. Scroll down, there are plenty to choose from!

3. Go to the ‘Photo’ tab and choose your photo.

4. Drag your photo into the box as shown. The program will automatically resize it.


Decorate your pages

To add background colour, go to ‘Background’ and drag your chosen colour to the top or bottom of the calendar.

Clicking ‘Add Text Box’ brings up a text box on the calendar where you can edit the font, size, colour and style to suit you.

Tip: Always click “single page” when adding text to see it close-up.


Add Events to your Calendar

To make your calendar even more fun and personalised, why not mark your special dates with photos or text?

1. To add just the event name, click the Calendar Event tab and fill in the pop-up box.

2. Select “Add New Event”


3. Select a background colour to suit your design.

4. To add a photo to the date, such as a picture of the birthday boy / girl, click on the specific date in the calendar to bring up the following box.


5. Drag your chosen photo onto the box and click save.

The Front Cover

To navigate to the front cover, go to January and click the left arrow.


To change the layout after you’ve uploaded a picture just click on the Layout tab and drag a new layout onto the picture. The image will automatically change without having to upload the picture again. This works with any page.


You can view the entire calendar by selecting “all pages” option to see how it flows.


Once you’ve got your calendar looking how you want, click save (1), and add to cart(2). It’s as simple as that.

Don’t forget to share your creations on social media with the hashtag #jessopscreations for a chance to be featured on our page – we can’t wait to see what you come up with!




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