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Mother's Day gifts
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Mother’s Day gifts made easy

Want to say ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ to the best mum in the world (that’s yours, obviously!)? Want to give her a unique and thoughtful gift – something that shows just how much you care about her? Of course you do! And we’re here to help you do just that, with the best Mother’s Day gift ideas ever.
Last year, the nation spent £260 million on bouquets for Mother’s Day – that’s a lot of money spent on a lot of flowers. While a bunch of blooms will always delight (who doesn’t love a carnation or two?), wouldn’t it be nice to give her something a little more personal this year, something that won’t wilt and wither away within a few days? Yep, we think so too! From beautiful personalised photo books to heart-tugging personalised cards, our many inexpensive personalised Mother’s Day gifts can be admired and treasured for a lifetime. So check these out and make your mum really happy this Mother’s Day… and every day!

Canvas is cool


Create a unique photo canvas for your mum this Mother’s Day, and you’ll instantly make an unforgettable gift. Choose a stand-out picture that captures one of her favourite moments – that epic mother-and-daughter trip, a happy family gathering, the first time she held her grandchild… any photo that makes her smile deserves to be on show, so it’s your duty to turn it into classy wall art! You could even push the boat out and choose a selection of photos to create a canvas picture gallery: order different sizes to create interest and balance. Jessops canvas prints start at just £19.99.

Photo books are magic

Did you know you can create a photo book for your lovely mum in a matter of minutes (our record is under five!). Just upload the photos you’d like to use, and let our nifty Mother’s Day template do the hard work for you. A beautiful Jessops photo book bursting with happy memories will bring a tear of joy to the eye, and is guaranteed to be shown off for years to come. Jessops photo books are available in a range of sizes, so whether you want to create one that will fit in her handbag or take pride of place on her coffee table, you’ll find what you’re looking for here. Jessops photo books start at just £7.50.


Give a hug in a mug


Give your mum a hug with a personalised mug and you’ll cheer up her morning caffeine fix or afternoon cuppa in an instant. You can be as creative as you like with your photo selections: whether you want to adorn it with an old childhood photo of your mum or gran (simply scan old photos in if they’re pre-digital), or a picture of the grandkids making funny faces, you’ll be making a beautiful unique mug that no one else will ever own! Alternatively, adorn her mug with a funny message or a family joke. Whatever you choose, your design will be unique, and you’ll have made a great personalised pressie that she’ll love. Jessops personalised mugs start at just £8.99.

Bags of love


A super-stylish personalised make-up bag makes a splendid gift for any yummy mummy. It’s a perfectly practical present that’s beautiful too, designed with your carefully chosen photo on it. This makes a wonderfully versatile gift: it can be used as a mani/pedi bag, somewhere to keep skincare or hair products, an overnight washbag or day-to-day make-up bag – virtually anything will work, and best of all, your mum will get to see a lovely personal photo on it every time she uses it! If you’re feeling super generous, go the extra mile and fill it with her favourite cosmetics or pampering products. Jessops make-up bags start at £14.99.

A special place mat

Bringing your mum breakfast in bed is one of the nicest things you can do – at least once a year! A slap-up brekkie on Mother’s Day is the perfect opportunity to show her exactly how important she is, and you can put the finishing touch to the smoked salmon or caviar breakfast tray with another little surprise – a glass of buck’s fizz, served on a gorgeous personalised placemat or glass coaster showing an image of a wonderful memory. If you’re feeling extra generous, order a complete set for her to show off on the dining table… Jessops photo coasters start at £12.99.


Is your mum a workaholic, addicted to her laptop or iPad? If so, this one is definitely for her! Create a unique photo laptop pouch for her to carry around, and you’ve got a one-of-a-kind practical gift that’s beautiful at the same time. You could also order a matching mouse mat to help brighten up your mum’s desk – there are so many ways to keep those happy memories alive. Jessops laptop pouches start at £17.99.

Remember to make her a card!

Don’t forget your personalised Mother’s Day card! A simple card with a personally drawn picture or message can tug at the heartstrings more than an expensive bells-and-whistles present. After all, it’s the thought that counts, not the price tag. Jessops photo cards start from just £1.80.



Gifts, Photo Books, Photo Prints, Uncategorised,


Mothers Day, Photo gifts,

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